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12 Respect After the sun yoga

12 Respect After the sun yoga

Yoga is an all-around training: 12 - Greetings to the Sun

Yoga exercises all around the sun 12 - respect. It's a time or two when you get up in the morning stiffness relief and help revitalize the body. You can relax with the train again and again; insomniacs often find that six to 12 rounds help them sleep.

A. In the chest and legs slightly apart, palms together, thumbs are.Second When tightening your buttocks slowly raise your hands over your head and bend as much as possible, if you take a deep breath. Hold for three seconds.Third Hold your breath slowly through your fingers touch the floor with your legs straight and knees, bend forward. (If you are not touching the ground, you can be as close as possible.) And bring your knees toward your head.

4th Slowly inhale and bend your knees not your fingers out of the feet on the ground, where they are. An inch above the ground or on the right knee, (a lunge position) combined, again, you can slide the right foot. Now, before you laugh, and to see as much as possible.

5th Before exhaling again to close the back, slide the left foot and toes, support your weight on your hands, your body is a flat plane, straighten both legs. Make sure your stomach is pulled in.

6th On the chest and forehead on the floor, slowly lower your hips in the air and bent, knees bent, two on the ground, exhale.

7th Now exhale slowly and see you again turn raise his head, and then lower your upper chest to chest. Your lower body - from the navel down - should be on the floor, and your elbows should be slightly bent. Hold for three to five seconds.

8th Hold your breath and your feet flat on the floor slowly and palm, and your hands and legs straight up in an inverted V position to raise your hips.

9th I breathe slowly and level 4 with your right foot. Cross your fingers should be flat on the floor. If the knee with your left foot off the ground, you have to be behind the nearly straight. Raise your head, watch your back arch

10th Slowly and breathe the left foot forward and your right to the next. Stretch your legs and get up, try the finger at the ground, and, touching the head to the knee in level 3.

11th Slowly inhale raise your arms stretched back at level 2 Do not forget to tighten your buttocks. Hold for three seconds.

12th Lower your arms to your sides and slowly exhale. Relax. Series again.


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