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5 Rage, Rage Against The Dying Of The Light

5 Rage, Rage Against The Dying Of The Light

1th. That's not a good night to go to tender

Burn and rave at the end of the day, the old man;

Rage Against anger Dying Light - Dylan Thomas - go slowly not that good night

Stars do not live forever, they are ruthless in times of darkness and light in the room changed, shiny and beautiful appearance, lost in the stabilization of a small candle. Small star, like our sun isolated, and their outer layers into space in the dark, breathing a lot, relative peace and a better life style. Sun alone when we die, it is the first planet Mercury, Venus, Earth and our flow potential cannibalization, such as swelling Giant Red Star. One is called a planetary nebula, cosmos, one of the "butterfly" - it's the end of our universe most beautiful shroud around a white dwarf of a very dense, compact, excellent body withers, and now dead, small and alone in the layer external gas star together different colors.

When they die the death of a large star in spectacular supernova however, fire erupted Universe. Very smart and powerful explosions in the Universe super space and the far corners of the universe, they see it all the way. Star saved two small pieces of explosive bouncy relentless violence against her, vampire-like, non-star sister, and affect most people who inhaled or nuclear fuels and materials that they will be burned by gravity, and a dramatic break, and Cosmos to star conflicting then threw broken.

In February 2013, a massive star, astronomers can send before it was announced in the care of incandescent anger warning signs of exploding supernova explosion could have predicted.


2nd. Our sun, now, In a public place and quite slender, key, array (hydrogen burning) star It is yellow gold, beautiful. Our sun produces a normal family and captured eight major planets, the moon and the main composed of ice, and there are other small items. But in our solar system, galaxy suburban life with a simple but majestic spiral, galactic barrier. Our sun, stars, dead. But today it is around this time, incandescent lamps of fire, and is active in the production of mid-life, inflatable Zodiac. However, another five billion years or life away from the main line, was a star long. Small mass of the sun, the stars usually live about 10 billion years ago. But as the star and middle-aged star, our combined for another 5 billion years, or by burning hydrogen in their minds, will be rays of light in the room.

3rd. Sun and other stars such as our Sun end their supply of hydrogen as a fuel in the combustion started to change its appearance. You are now old star. Join in the middle of the old stars like the sun, hydrogen to helium is still in the helium shell, which surrounds the hidden heart. Gathered outside the shell, and late liver-old actor big developing countries. Liver itself began to shrink under helium own people, and at the last moment, to develop a new level of nuclear fusion in the middle of a hot sunny intensive until it heats up. Now it is a heavier element, helium, carbon products that burnt layer on the star, at this time, until the swelling ratio disgusting - that the children of the blood system planet hungry and transparent Red Giant Star, has changed! Finally, our star shrinks, because it does not emit more radiation through nuclear fusion, all further development is determined solely by gravity. Our anger is dying star throws, the outer layer, but in his heart he will always be. If the sun at the end of all our little planet the size of the object to remove the rest of the miserable. In this sense, the bodies of our brilliant star called a white dwarf. In the course of a white dwarf star can be cold and cold. In the end, our sun is a black dwarf is probably one of the pom. No one (yet), which is located in the cosmos, we are considered as objects shadow black dwarf. Black dwarf cools down at the end of the stage, hundreds of billions of white dwarf five years, our universe is 13.7 billion years old, a little on the "only", Dass

Weigh at least 8 times more stars than the Sun, we are a little more angry than dead. Destroyed property cannot hold their own against the big attraction. Although often referred to as an ancient conflict between good and evil is called, the war between pressure and gravity are older. Stress - How it all out - comes from nuclear fusion, and the oppression of gravity, which keeps the bouncy star. Gravity star runs out of hydrogen fuel, and it can hold against the force of gravity is no longer under pressure to reach a point when they try to pull in all, it is just down the road. Large off - when the sun reaches 1.4 times the mass of the iron core of a massive star usually pop. Star odd and gravitational collapse of the universe, has a dark, really blew camp. Star slightly less massive compact bodies is so great excellence known as a neutron star, a supernova explosion to blow himself up. More white dwarf neutron star.

Forecast storm

4th. February 7, 2013 issue of the journal in paper studying an international team of astronomers that this is the end of the star, a supernova explosion risk, if you can predict that they will be ready to go. , Southampton University, UK Dr Mark Sullivan, the Sun as a star, as the energy, it is more intense helium, hydrogen combination of transmitter "that on February 8, 2013 Space.com author of the study, one of the common people to a pressure Stern response center, an exit pressure of the stars, the brightness at certain levels are rising, but -. called Eddington luminosity - due out is the strong radiation pressure, which object gravitational wave exposure, the outer shell star material to form a sales entry large, super-Eddington luminosity translate how to act as a gravitational field., have enough to do. "

NASA Swift Mission Palomar Observatory and the Very Large Array (VLA) - astronomy before his death at the age of teams star anger to learn more about how it is used by the efforts of three telescopes. At a distance of 500 million light years from our planet, researchers began in the stars with reading. About 50 times the mass of our sun heavy big stars, supernova, such as small pieces that eventually called SN 2010mc detonated himself.

Astronomy '40 days after the end of the study, before the outbreak of dangerous star, long dead mass equal to 1 percent of our stars on the matter, showing major eruption - nearly 3330 times the mass of our planet - with 4.5 million miles away.

Breaking radiation "in a full year, a million times more than the sun's energy output is about," said Dr. Sullivan. He pioneered the "more than 5,000 times less power than a supernova." He said that

5th. Small outbreaks, and the stars at the end of the outbreak at the end of them is very hard. The authors of the study, Pasadena, California, Science, Carnegie Institute, Dr. Mansi Kashiwa Wonder explosion that shook and supernova explosions in the short term, "that in February 2013, told the media star of the month for 10 years in the life of millions of very small groups . "

The new study's lead author, Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, Dr. Earn Ofek, probability model, 0.1 percent chance that the outbreak of a random event, which, on 8 February 2013 Space.com introduced at the show.

Three models have been proposed to explain how the initial outbreak, compare their data, gravity waves in a star astronomers discovered that helps to pass the mass. By gravity and gravitational buoyancy levels fall, the result of fluctuations in the matter.

"SN 2010mc our findings, we can show the death of a massive star occurs. Forecast eruption, we cannot process it shows," the doctor continued to explain Kasliwal.


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