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5 The Success of the Air Freight Forwarding Industry

5 The Success of the Air Freight Forwarding Industry

1th. Before flying is something new. Cannot imagine a time without human journey. What they want is to fly. That is why the birth of a plane. Finally, the technology, it is a fact that people want to go on the plane, on the tax side. You can think of the aircraft began, some of the most effective, restless.

Ships can go on a plane when he says that it is 1910. It turns out that the plane had been sent silk flash. Dayton and Columbus, Ohio, taken from the ship. Is the first demonstration that air freight.

2nd. In 1919, there was another ship. A converted bomber American Railway Express sent. 1100 pounds of cargo transported to Chicago and Washington, DC. Unfortunately, the plane landed in Ohio and cold. Prevented by flight as cargo planes, people.

In the 1920s, the airline operates cargo ship. U.S. commercial carrier is used for development. In the rapidly developing commercial transport air cargo, but only help to speed up the process.

No doubt a significant growth in air freight again.

3rd. From 1931 to 1927, total exports and almost one million pounds,. Increased £ 45,000 Despite several efforts to plan and structure the cargo until the Second World War ended, the Carrier will not work.

This is the first aircraft 4: The main goal of the United States, United, TWA and Eastern is to take stock of Air Cargo Inc. provides and develop.

4th. Air Cargo active until the end of the world. But in 1944, American and TWA began to be independent of the air cargo business.

Want to be part of the cargo, but many owners of small aircraft, which have been adopted. I do not want the business to handle large aircraft and small aircraft. Screw the small aircraft industry continued to the point as possible. Another reason is the former does not want to get involved in the game.

Unfortunately, fell to the pavement small aircraft operators. Survive - "Flying Tigers", which not only. This is carried out both military and civilian cargo Flying Tigers. . The largest and most famous in the field of air cargo

Despite a good start, rising air cargo. This business is not functioning properly. Someone by the name of Fred Smith, Federal Express, which today is just to open the cargo plane.

Today's air transport industry

5th. Federal Express is one of the most successful air freight today. With the help of modern technology, customers are now able to meet the needs of the software used for air transport. Air Cargo sender software is the latest discovery. In addition to problems in the system, to provide the best services and cost effective.

Today, joining FedEx or Federal Express (UPS) United Parcel. Two of the most reliable air and reliable cargo transportation services, to provide the state is known.


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