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6 The Seashell Imposter of Responsibility

6 The Seashell Imposter of Responsibility

1th. I am a junior in high school when I "BCIS" I have a class (Business Information Systems Computer) Taking If you do not know what the BCIS, it is certainly understandable.

BCIS taught how to use Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and everything is too boring. What's worse, good old Mrs. Hancey and I mean it. In the best way

Seashell I - beloved teacher, Mrs. Hancey give a good picture. He appeared on earth in prehistoric times due to his wisdom has remembered any event it is.

2nd. Mrs. Hancey always valid, hair and jewelry (jewelry on the high end), just wearing the right size, and a deep love for her is Myrtle Beach Seashell Collection. Seashell collection on a running joke among his students loved her husband loved her more than make speeches at the end of the lesson.

They may be right, "that is," Mrs. Hancey then you are wrong, but if not - you only have a small mistake - it is a game. He did not put any nonsense.

You should see what I mean.

3rd. About ten minutes before the bell, Mrs. Hancey, standing behind his desk, took his life by way of example, if you give us a speech he was to be dramatic. In order to make the right choices in life, message, or just someone who is good (ie not fast, always say "Thank you", etc.) can be used to

When the particle semester, when we are in class (BCIS is one year-long/2-semester class) a week, he gave an important responsibility.

At one point, almost in tears by the end of his speech, and he before his right hand gently in the palm of their hand with seashell and show his students.

In a very serious voice, said Mrs. Hancey. "I called your name, and get my desk and all that you break in the winter before the last day and you will seashell back, you are responsible for the final grade (the same test) on 52 scores. Seashell me money if you do not again, I will deduct the points from your class, you should refer to below as irresponsible. "

4th. As one by one, we went to Mrs. Hancey the throne from his desk in a box while we Seashell Collection. Responsible for implementing the token she had done, she paused and stood, leaning his head to the left a little, and said (while holding her own Seashell):

"I'm not a seashell Do not try. 'I really do not re-housing. I Myrtle Beach from the bomb, which collected all and find the duality Shell prompt., You can use the number provided for fraud and reckless to double deduction" And that when women Hancey empty room and rushed.

In the days before winter break we started, I Tracy (BCIS I Sat next to a friend of mine) told me during the school year, as I get home and go to the left: "Ha, do not forget your Seashell" Oh crap I think . I forgot my shell, but I have absolutely no idea where it is.

5th I will change my opinion of panic trying to think of anything that can save me marks against "irresponsible". I'm missing something then. My family recently traveled to New Zealand on the back patio to sit at home and that is a few shells. They are all shapes, colors and sizes to find the shell is quite impossible.

I went through a bucket of mussels in the shell, as Mrs. Hancey and I cannot find that the film will be the best 'double' is selected. Today (BCIS) and the rest, I'm afraid to think what will happen is Mrs. Hancey. Finally, when it comes time for a computer class, I felt relieved and scared all at the same time.

When I entered the classroom, I was afraid of Mrs. Hancey his desk and sat on the quality of the thief to his Seashell. Smiling, he earned a shell after the $ 100 check the reliability of the narrator in the bank if you look at it. Suddenly he looked at me and said: "Thank you for returning my cup Prove that you will be given responsibility for the ability to add additional points you .." I laughed nervously walking on my desk and started to feel relieved and guilty. Seashell What my embarrassment when I told Tracy, he is in our direction, so that the whole class burst into laughter.

If there is anything that he wants in the classroom, Mrs. Hancey, in stock irritated voice, asked Tracy. Tracy I have a heavy blow, but he replied: "No, I'm sorry, Mrs. Hancey, no." In recent months, the last day that we all have a good mood.

Mrs. Hancey come to an end as the final text, Tracy slyly whispered to me: "I will tell you, Seashell New Zealand is" panic, I asked him to think he was just a joke. We often make fun with each other and in some cases only Mrs. Hancey how they behave, see one tattled to one.

Unfortunately, he was just a joke before I can stop, Tracy raised his hand and said loudly, "Ms Hancey excuse me," Mrs. Hancey interrupted his speech at Tracy stopped because of problems with a tight jaw, nodded. During the rain, sat with his lips: "Yes, Tracy?" Sigh

6th. Pay attention to the whole class, Tracy said: "Nate right again in the final semester Seashell does not say he is from New Zealand, which does not belong to him, Myrtle Beach!"

Gasped and then fell quiet in the classroom. All waiting for someone to answer the other half, when they took me half of the same class, I saw Mrs. Hancey.

I sat at the table he was afraid, then shook my head in my eyes as a woman distributed Hancey, in contact with the eyes. He was convinced that it would take "Tracy is just a joke." That was my chance. And a few seconds, and suddenly Mrs. Hancey sigh before he launched his eyes, shook his head with Tracy.

It works, I'm at home and not have to lie about Seashell. So we rang the bell quick goodbye to dear old lady Sassy Hancey. I'm a little guilty, but at least I have my job scams. If you see Mrs. Hancey, I'm sorry, I fake seashell you cheated.


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