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Digital diagnostics car

Digital diagnostics car

With a little research on your vehicle, you can avoid the problem in future repairs. If you are mechanically savvy or not, you can easily see your sense of smell and can detect various types of vehicles that are similar to problems.

A Good Look!

No impact or drops of fluid under your vehicle? These problems can be a symptom of a stranger, but it's not a problem, you want to test the moist place.

5 easy ways to Digital diagnostics car

What color is the liquid under the car? Yellow, blue or orange color green indicates the engine is too hot or antifreeze leak. If you need to do to fix leaky radiator or a water pump. If this is a problem, you should immediately get to a repair shop.

Dark brown or black liquid motor oil can be shown that the oil spill. A bad seal or gasket could be the cause of the leak. The problem this problem may be too high, so you need to get immediately from a reputable mechanic.

See red oil, transmission or power steering fluid leak shows. Another reason to see your car doctor!

Sometimes the liquid is clear, and it is usually normal condensation of air conditioner of your vehicle. No need to worry.

If you see light smoke coming from a wheel - can brake jammed. Call a tow truck.

Required from the part of the vehicle to repair the smoke.

Take a sudden!

Sniff, you can Vehicles problem.

Signal can smell toast burning insulation and electrical short burned. I've looked at your car mechanic. Do not risk driving anywhere.

A rotten egg smell usually shows a problem that encourages change. The vehicle must be repaired to you as soon as possible.

A thick sharp odor usually shows burning oil. Looking to see if there is a leak in the car. So, you can have your vehicle blue smoke. This problem must be addressed immediately!

Smell gas after the start may mean the engine is not flooded. Just wait a few minutes and try again. A serious problem that requires immediate attention - if you just keep the odor of natural gas, the fuel system can be a sign of a leak.

You should notice a sweet odor? Coolant can leak. Your temperature gauge, warning light and drive to a repair shop to see. If you see steam under the hood, stop and pull over. You certainly do not want to drive a vehicle that is too hot. The most serious damage to your machine. Call a tow truck.

If you notice unusual smell is the smell that the basic rule - or you get a mechanic.

Follow these easy steps to open your eyes and your nose; you will be able to save hundreds of dollars in repairs!


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