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Elizabethan England Medical

Elizabethan England Medical

In England, Henry VIII (1485-1509) during the reign land and confiscated all church property deeds with great support. Between 1536 and 1544, people from far and wide for medical help and simple to London are really not helping. In 1569, children in public hospitals, St. Mary Bethel mentally ill, such as St. Bartholomew’s and St. Thomas Hospital in Christ, including five public hospitals are new. However, individual hospital patient is the only option. The reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603) public charity in the recovery and return to the pharmacy to get attention from various businesses and individuals. Medical examination, a mixture of humors theory, philosophy signatures, astrology, tradition, chemical science, and magic for a wide variety of Elizabethan England-based medicine.

A voluntary medical charity received and encouraged a more social form. Need help sick people seem to believe that a positive recovery. Another objective is to provide medical assistance to the poor work to help create a safe return, thus eliminating the need for increased financial assistance. Large sums of money on medical care are often poor Norwich city. Nurse in a bad city to hire people to kill two birds with one stone, and the other weak, patients, the public has been kept. It is interesting to note that bonesetters first offered little is normal, but the patient can walk again when the tax must be paid at large. Therefore, the coach, it is clear that the recovery of the patient to take full responsibility. Norwich City also provides shelter during the patient's recovery. Encourage greater participation and Elizabethan England Norwich important example is the treatment of the poor and sick.

When a fever Elizabeth in London, he used to tell the doctor to find. If a particular plant can reduce fever, his wife said. And then he larder not if it's drug contacts. Apothecary drugs prescribed by doctors. Emissions to know whether the company is so cold and dry food to eat he explains, bergamot oil, sprinkled with beauty gives way to a local girl "difficult", appointment, and may it continue to see humor Leach blood to soothe the skin, or both Together, Example current state of diagnosis and treatment of patients.

It seems that is sent through a series of different people. Classes based on patient's doctor to see the patient and he was unable to pay the money. Universities and colleges for the education of physicians met with medical professionals, usually provided by the very rich. Operations and Barber, who belonged to the barber surgeons, have the same reputation. Just pull the tooth barber or absorbed through wounds or blood, we were allowed to use. In general, the equivalent of five patient’s apothecary medicine today visited Elizabeth. Herbs, oils, chemicals, cosmetics, perfumes, and medicines. And poor health care and comfort of the Church as part of the doctor. First poor patients, however, usually "wise woman" or "cunning woman." Local In general, drugs and traditional treatment of women is a good reputation. Bonesetter’s leg and five broken ribs bone. Family protection agents take care of drug delivery drug -. Collectors and processors, a hernia specialist, sunset cataract, dental, and other various types of special finally, prepare herbal home. Simple medicines, traditional medicines, which may have some knowledge of women in ordinary household Elizabeth is. Overall, there are many options, selection of suppliers and the many individuals and choose from various kinds of services to patients.

Outbreaks of infectious diseases such as bubonic plague and typhoid medicine Elizabethan England, and rats, fleas, and experiencing the open sewer filled with medical infectious waste in big cities, there is a great place for five years is absurd, and water flow. Unexplained illness, based on the teachings and beliefs of the ancient Greeks and astrology. It is often considered a normal dress weird ignorance of physicians, and it is clear. Clothing is a big, big, dark coat, boots, gloves, hats, and bergamot, beak, was established as a mask. Dried blood on the floor at the waist, and to prevent toads wearing amulets. It is close to the patient before and Angelica give the vinegar, Mel is fixed. Precautions may seem absurd and inconsistent. However, the popular belief about the drugs makes sense at the time, six different theories, developed from.

Ancient Greek, Galen, developed the first theory. Blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile: the "humor" It is believed that the body fluids of the body. Each group has a number of features. Blood is hot and moist, phlegm is cold and moist, yellow bile, hot and dry, and black bile is cold and dry. There is a natural balance of fluids in the body to maintain healthy levels. No imbalance that occurs in this disease. For example, a cooling effect on the body is very hot and dry phlegm. Drying and heating, or stay in bed and eat hot soup celebration. Another example is the result of a high fever, blood in the body. With the treatment of hypertension issue infiltrate fever, or cold and dry foods like crackers to eat. Four humors blood traits; too, considered the treatment of mental illness, is cold phlegm, yellow bile angry, not depressed, and black bile.

The second theory is the signature policy. Used for the benefit of the doctrine of God that gives small creature, comes from the Bible. Using several species of human life, and many species of labor. The material used in medicine and other non-edible species on earth. For example, lung Lungwort good and Eyebright is a clear view.

The third theory, astrology, intensity and duration of the disease and determine the patient's symptoms and orbit the Earth was born. The fourth approach is the traditional medical theory. The theory is that the disease is the presence of a foreign body; fraud is an important treatment in the presence of seizures. For example, exorcism is a mental illness that is needed, call the king goiter, tuberculosis neck is optional, and toads have warts treatment.

Fifth principle of non-organic materials and new materials such as pure tobacco and mercury Medical Services was found embedded in the chemical sciences, uses. The sixth deals with the theory of magic. Today, the line between medical treatment and the right magic is very vague. Elizabeth also appears valid logic and science of magic.

Most injuries are the most common clean agent used to prevent infection vinegar used there. The only treatment for dental use any anesthetic, he was shot. Bubo Bubonic plague hot butter, onions and garlic have been treated. Blake and tobacco settlement, arsenic, lily root and dried toad, including trial. Headache, sage, bay leaves, pink and fragrant herbs like lavender conducted. Pest abdominal pain, mint, and balm performed. Comfrey treated lung problems. Any specific examples of common problems in the treatment of Elizabethan era.

All medical Elizabeth be a major asset to the placebo effect. Often the most important part of the recovery process in the treatment of patients self-confidence, excited. Doctors and patients do not know, Elizabeth Medical perhaps the most fundamental secrets. Physicians, scientists, doctors, magicians and humors of the body, signature, philosophy, astrology, tradition, chemical science, magic and all the ideas and beliefs, die sick, especially why the main reason is the interference of bubonic plague, mice, infected, and Elizabethan England filled site.

City work

Bynum, W F., and Roy Porter. Junior Encyclopedia of medical history. New York: Rutledge, 1993.

Holmes, Martin, Elizabeth London. London: Praeger, 1969.

Kiple, Kenneth F. The Cambridge World History of Human Disease. New York: Cambridge UP 1993

McGrew, Robert E., comp. Encyclopedia of medical history. McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1985.

Pritchard, England Shakespeare R. E.: Elizabethan and Jacobean times to life.


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